Suffryng in sorow in hope to attayn
Desyryng in fere, and dare
Trew of beleffe, in whome ys
all my trust,
Do thou apply to ease me off
my payn,
Els thus to serve and suffer
styll I must.
Hope ys
my hold, yet in dyspayre
to speke
I dryve from tyme to tyme,
dothe not kepe
How long to lyve thus after
loves lust,
In studye styll of that I
not breke
Wherefore to serve and suffer
styll I must.
of care I fynd bothe
day and nyght,
I have that was ontyme all my
The cawse thereoff ye know I
have dyscust,
And yet to reffrayn yt
my myght,
Wherefore to serve and suffer
styll I must.
Love who
so lyst at lengthe
he shall well say
"To love and lyve in fere
yt ys no play,"
Record that knowythe, and yf
thys be not just
That whereas love dothe live,
there is no way
But serve and suffer ever
he must.
Then for
to live with losse
of libertye,
At last perchawnce shall be
his remedye,
And for his trouthe reigneth
with fals mistrust,
Who would not rew to se how
wrongfully ---
Thus for to serve and suffer
styll he must.
Untrew by
trust oftymes hathe
me betrayd,
Mysusyng my hope, styll to be
Fortune allways I have yt
And so with lyke rewarde now
am I payd,
That ys, to serve and suffer
styll I must.
Never to
cesse, nor yet lyke
to attayn
As long as I in fere dare not
True of beleff hath allways
ben my trust
And tyll she knowythe the
of all my payn,
Content to serve and suffer
styll I must.
Suffering in sorrow in hope to attain,
Desiring in fear, and dare not
True of belief in whom is all my
Do thou apply to ease me of my
Else thus to serve and suffer still
I must.
Hope is my hold,
yet in despair
to speak
I drive from time to time, and
doth not keep
How long to live thus after love's
In study still of that I dare not
Wherefore to serve and suffer still
I must.
Encrease of care I
find both
day and night,
I have that was one time all my
The cause thereof ye know I have
And yet to refrain it passeth my
Wherefore to serve and suffer still
I must.
Love who so list
at length he
shall well say
"To love and live in fear
it is no play,"
Record that knoweth, and if this
be not just
That whereas love doth live, there
is no way
But serve and suffer ever still
he must.
Then for to live
with loss of
At last perchance shall be his
And for his truth reigneth with
false mistrust,
Who would not rue to see how
Thus for to serve and suffer still
he must.
Untruth by trust
oftimes hath
me betrayed,
Misusing my hope, still to be delayed,
Fortune always I have it found
And so with like reward now am
I paid,
That is, to serve and suffer still
I must.
Never to cease,
nor yet like
to attain
As long as I in fear dare not
True of belief hath always been
my trust
And till she knoweth the cause
of all my pain,
Content to serve and suffer still
I must.
Hans Holbein the Younger
Portrait of Christina, Duchess of Milan,
c. 1538.
The National Gallery, London.
dare not complain = not daring to complain.
still (passim)
= always, now and
hold = stronghold, support.
True of belief in whom =
stedfastly trusting
in her whom.
Do thou apply = kindly make
some effort
(addressed to the beloved presumably).
I drive = I defer (to
doth not keep = (?) do not
How long to live = how long
I might live.
after love's lust = (?)
seeking to fulfil
love's desire.
break = divulge, utter.
Encrease = increase. The
original spelling
is retained since the opening letter of each stanza spells the word
(for Shelton) and Mary Shelton's name is written at the foot of the
refrain - i.e. refrain from
loving you.
passeth = surpasses.
Love whoso list = whover it
is that loves.
Record who knoweth = let
him who knows
this fact set it on record.
whereas = where.
for his truth reigneth with
false mistrust
= because his sense of truth and justice lives alongside treachery.
manuscripts give 'requit' instead of 'reigneth'.)
Untruth by trust - Perhaps
it should be
'Untruth my trust'. The meaning is unclear.
True of belief etc. = I
have always trusted
in truth and fidelity.