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London Bridge as it was in Shakespeare's day, circa 1600. | Views of London as it was in 1616. | Views of Cheapside London, from a print of 1639. | The Carrier's Cosmography. A guide to all the Carriers in London. As given by John Taylor in 1637. | Oxquarry Books Ltd | |
1. O! never say that I was false of heart, |
After a period of separation the poet asserts his undying loyalty to the youth. However, he cannot deny that his standards have slipped somewhat, and that he has ranged abroad and tasted other fruit. His guilt is such that he has to acknowledge the stain on the purity of his pure love, which he undertakes to cleanse with tears. The argument in his defence seems to be that all his extraneous attachments have been entirely superficial, for it would be impossible for him to separate himself from his beloved, since they are one, and that no one in the universe, not even the universe itself, could match the sum of beauty and goodness which he beholds and clings to in the wonderful boy, whom he likens once again to a rose, the most perfect flower in creation. The final couplet, in its totality of commitment and devotion, equals anything the poet has yet said to the beloved youth, and bears testimony to the immortality of his love. |
For comments on and description of the rose, in Gerard's Herbal, first published in 1597, and therefore contemporary with the Sonnets, see below. |
As from my ſoule which in thy breſt doth lye: That is my home of loue,if I haue rang'd, Like him that trauels I returne againe, Iuſt to the time,not with the time exchang'd, So that my ſelfe bring water for my ſtaine, Neuer beleeue though in my nature raign'd All frailties that beſiege all kindes of blood, That it could ſo prepoſterouſlie be ſtain'd, To leaue for nothing all thy ſumme of good : For nothing this wide Vniuerſe I call, Saue thou my Roſe,in it thou art my all. |
The sonnet seems to spring from an accusation of unfaithfulness. An accusation which the poet denies, using a certain amount of sophistry in the process. He does not deny that he has had other loves, he merely claims that they were nothing in comparison with the great joy of loving what is everything to him, his all, his universe, his rose. Unfortunately these are the excuses of the philanderer throughout the ages, and the formulae of repentance ring even more hollowly than the formulae of prayer repeated in the previous sonnet. However the game of loving declarations and exchanges must be played over once more, and poetry will make it seem true. And despite the apparent cynicism of some of the arguments, the greater preponderance of the sonnet is devoted to reestablishing the rapport and idealism of the initial love when first they met. The sincerity and devotion of the last two lines redeems the otherwise lame excuses in the eyes of all lovers. It is worth pointing out that the separation and 'ranging' here described could have arisen as a result of the youth's absence, rather than any enforced or wilful wandering of the poet. If the Earl of Southampton was the favoured youth, the estrangement could have been caused by his imprisonment in the Tower of London, after the Essex rebellion in 1601, an imprisonment from which he was not released until the accession of James I to the throne. Such confinement would obviously remove him from contact with his friends, and they would thus have the freedom to roam 'here and there' without excuses having to be made. On Southampton's release the charge of unfaithfulness would then have to be defended, if the former rapture of love was to be renewed. |
1. O! never say that I was false of heart, | 1. The poet responds to a real or imaginary accusation of betrayal. | |
2. Though absence seemed my flame to qualify,
absence = the separation (absence)
of me from you, or you from me. Because of the comparison with 'him
travels' in line 6 below, we tend to think of the separation as being
by the poet's peregrinations and occupations elsewhere. my flame = my passion, my love. to qualify = to reduce, to diminish; to dilute. As in Hamlet Love is begun by Time: And Time qualifies the spark and fire of it. Ham.IV.7.114 |
3. As easy might I from my self depart | 3. As easy might I = it would be as easy for me to etc. ........ as it would be to etc. | |
4. As from my soul which in thy breast doth lie:
4. my soul which in thy breast doth lie - The mutual interchangeability of hearts and minds has been used often in the sonnets, and was already a common theme of love poetry. Lines 3-4: = 'It would be as easy for me to separate myself from myself as it would be for me to separate myself from you (my true self), i.e., it would be impossible'. |
5. That is my home of love: if I have ranged, | 5.
my home of love - the beloved place
to which I always return; my base; my essential being; the core of
which is my starting and ending point. ranged = wandered, (a euphemism for promiscuity). |
6. Like him that travels, I return again; | 6. like him that travels - the phrase may be taken (promiscuously) with what proceeds and what follows. | |
7. Just to the time, not with the time exchanged, | 7.
Just to the time = exactly on time,
in accordance with expectation; not with the time exchanged = not altered by the changed circumstances. |
8. So that myself bring water for my stain. | 8. my stain - Christian doctrine regards sin as staining the immortal soul, a stain which may be washed away with repentance, or the tears thereof. Holy water was also efficacious. | |
9. Never believe though in my nature reigned,
9. Even if it were the case that in my nature such and such follies reigned supreme, you must never bring yourself to believe that etc., etc.There is a possibility of sexual innuendo in nature, reigned, all, frailties, nothing, preposterous, stained. Nothing for example was frequently used as a euphemism for female genitalia. (See SB pp.352-3). | |
10. All frailties that besiege all kinds of blood,
frailties = dispositions to sin,
weaknesses of the flesh. all kinds of blood = all types of character, all temperaments. With a suggestion also of family, kinship, line of descent. Base blood would be considered to have baser desires than blood of a noble line. The implications in the following sonnets, 111 & 112, of the poet's baser social connections might well be relevant here. blood could also mean 'animal passions, carnality, or a tendency to such.' (See Onions 2,3). |
11. That it could so preposterously be stained,
11. it
= my nature (line 9). be stained - see the note to stain in line 8. |
12. To leave for nothing all thy sum of good; | 12. for nothing - i.e. for the unworthy rivals for your love, who are nothing in comparison to you. all thy sum of good = the totality of you, which is all goodness; all the many aspects of your goodness. | |
13. For nothing this wide universe I call,
13. The
implication is that the entire universe
is as nothing compared to the beloved, even though, paradoxically, he
a part of that universe. In this case, the part is greater than the sum
of all the parts. He uses universal more frequently, 14 times in all, viz. AC (2), AYL, H5 (3), JC, LLL, Mac, MV, RJ, TC (2), WT. For what it is worth, eight of the 14 uses occur in the plays written between 1596 and 1602. |
14. Save thou, my rose, in it thou art my all.
14. my rose - From as early as Sonnet 1 the rose, as the exemplar of all that is beautiful, has been presented as the most fitting symbol and simile of the youth. I print below an extract from Gerard's Herbal, which gives some idea of the special place that the rose occupied in Elizabethan thought. The totality of devotion which the concluding couplet implies seems to sweep aside all the apparent sophistry of the preceding arguments. It is as if the poet has grown weary of them, he turns away from them, and says effectively 'What does it matter? Since you are my universe nothing that I have done can take me from you, or can have the slightest effect on our relationship'. |
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Home | Sonnets 1 - 50 | Sonnets 51 - 100 | Sonnets 101 - 154 | A Lover's Complaint. | Sonnet no. 1 |
First line index | Title page and Thorpe's Dedication | Some Introductory Notes to the Sonnets | Sonnets as plain text 1-154 | Text facsimiles | Other related texts of the period |
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Thomas Wyatt Poems | Other Authors | General notes for background details, general policies etc. | Map of the site | Valentine Poems |
London Bridge as it was in Shakespeare's day, circa 1600. | Views of London as it was in 1616. | Views of Cheapside London, from a print of 1639. | The Carrier's Cosmography. A guide to all the Carriers in London. As given by John Taylor in 1637. | Oxquarry Books Ltd | |
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